Matt Goodwin’s Substack goes to more than 57,200 subscribers from 167 countries around the world and thousands of paying supporters who support our work. Like our stuff? Then help us expand by becoming a paid supporter and access everything —the full archive, Live with Matt every Friday, exclusive posts, polling, leave comments, join the debate, get discounts, notice about events, and the knowledge you’re supporting independent writers who are pushing back against the grain. Join us on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter/X and Facebook.
If you’re one of the thousand or so people who are joining us each month, reflected in the chart above, then welcome! It’s good to have you with us. And if you’ve been with us for a while then thank you for reading, sharing our posts, and staying.
I hope you can see the direction of travel, how we are now beginning to have a real impact —from the shifting debate on housing to raising public awareness about what’s really happened on immigration, from being well ahead of the curve on the crisis in universities to calling out the hypocrisy of the luxury belief class.
Why do I write?
There’s no doubt Substack brings benefits —financial and psychological support, independence from broken institutions, and the ability to reach lots of people.
And this is important. If, in the future, we wanted to start a campaign, say, we could now reach hundreds of thousands of people easily, asking our nearly 25,000 followers to help spread the word among their friends and get going.
But to be completely honest with you that’s not the main reason I write.
I write because I genuinely believe there are millions of people out there like you and I. People who might not always agree on every issue but who are all united by a profound sense our countries are moving in the wrong direction.
People who can see we are led by a new ruling class that has no serious interest in representing our values and voice, especially on issues connected to identity and belonging. And people who know that unless we change course, unless we push back against the dreary, stifling and suffocating orthodoxy which dominates our national ‘debate’, unless we amplify and push forward alternative and challenging voices, then things will only get worse —and not just for us, but our children.
I write because I think there are many people out there who now grasp the critical importance of promoting counter-cultural voices, who know we need to urgently push forward individuals who are willing to break from the herd and challenge this broken consensus, and who are willing to put themselves on the line while doing so.
And in recent months I’ve seen what this means to people —from the Substack subscribers who come up to me on train platforms to say thank-you and have a chat, to the countless e-mails and handwritten letters explaining your life experiences, your own concerns, your own thoughts about what we should do next.
Personally, I’ve always seen this space of ours, the e-mails that pop into your inbox, as symbolising a community of like-minded people who, I hope, can draw strength, comfort and motivation from belonging to it, from knowing there are others like them, and that we are here together, in this community which is genuinely our own. Nobody else controls it. And I will never leave it. This is ours.
This is why, this weekend, I wanted to take a moment to share our most widely read posts with our recent subscribers, with the rapidly rising number of people who have been joining us in recent weeks and months.
And remember, if you want ongoing access to our full and growing archive, to exclusive posts, advance notice about events, and the knowledge you’re supporting contrarian writers and a community of people who are openly challenging this broken consensus then do consider supporting us and helping us grow.
10. We are being led by fools. The shocking case of Abdul Shakoor Ezedi
9. Inside the Tory civil war. The 10 big dividing lines between Establishment Tories & National Conservatives
8. What I told a cabinet minister. The Tories are no longer the party of immigration control
7. Yes. Multiculturalism is failing.
6. The crisis we cannot discuss. A different view of the housing crisis
5. This map tells you a LOT about Britain. And ten remarkable statistics.
4. Are the British Tories dying? On the secret the plan to replace the Tories
3. What I Told the BBC. Hamas, the BBC, and our national ‘debate’
2. A Reply to Dominic Cummings. Does Britain need a new political party?
1. The Big Tory Lie. They promised high-skill immigration -we got something else
Matt Goodwin’s Substack goes to more than 57,200 subscribers from 167 countries around the world and thousands of paying supporters who support our work. Like our stuff? Then help us expand by becoming a paid supporter and access everything —the full archive, Live with Matt every Friday, exclusive posts, polling, leave comments, join the debate, get discounts, notice about events, and the knowledge you’re supporting independent writers who are pushing back against the grain. Join us on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter/X and Facebook.
One very small reason for subscribing to you - much, much less important than to support one of the few voices which the media permits to be raised in opposition to the madness of the elites - is that I enjoy watching a certain former Times columnist splutter in fury that you're allowed to speak at all. I have loathed his Blairite gibbering for as long as I can remember. Raised by Communist parents, he seems to retain the comrades' inability to countenance that others have different opinions which deserve to be aired, and the ratio-pounding he's taken this week as he resurrects the tired Whataboutery regarding illegal immigrants and crime has been one of the few pleasures in this terrible time. "Some criminals aren't asylum seekers" is the line that he and the other grifter-hacks have settled upon, and I think it would have worked ten years ago. It doesn't work any more: you don't need Bayes' theorem to discern why such a line is as pointless as it's anti-statistical. This progress in the discourse is in part down to your bravery, Matt. Thank you.
Your writings are imperative, Matt, and much appreciated. Thank goodness they are gathering a group of like minded folk.