Rape gangs: what people REALLY think
Keir Starmer is COMPLETELY out of touch with the Sensible Majority
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When it comes to the horrific rape gangs scandal, Keir Starmer and his Labour Party are completely out of touch with the Sensible Majority in this country.
That’s the key finding from a bombshell new survey, undertaken by reliable pollsters YouGov and released exclusively on GB News last night, shortly after my show.
After Keir Starmer, Yvette Cooper, Jess Phillips, and every single Labour MP voted against holding a fresh national inquiry into the rape gangs scandal —a position which I think will become untenable—the British people share their view.
And what is it?
Well, more than three-quarters of them —an enormous and overwhelming 76% of British people—want a national inquiry into the horrors that have taken place —and are probably still taking place —in an at least 50 towns across England and Wales.
In fact, so widespread is this public support for an inquiry into the rape gangs that is the majority view among supporters of all political parties, even Labour.
While 91% of Reform voters back an inquiry, so do 84% of Tory voters, 71% of Liberal Democrats, and 65% of Labour Party voters.
The hapless Keir Starmer, in other words, is not only out-of-touch with more than three-quarters of Britain but is also out-of-touch with two-thirds of his own voters.
By refusing to hold a national inquiry, by digging his heels in, Starmer is showing himself to be completely tin-eared and aloof from the public mood, much like Starmer and the elite class have been totally out-of-touch on a whole raft of other issues, too.
And that’s not all.
When it comes to the policy that this Substack first advocated back in May, deporting people with dual nationality who are convicted of raping children, once again there is widespread public support.
Overall, this policy, which found its way into the Reform manifesto back in July, is supported by 77% of all British people, including 70% of Labour Party voters and 96% of Reform voters —people who are part of the Sensible Majority.
It is backed by much of the country, by a large majority people who are looking at the sickening sight of rape gang leaders walking freely around the very towns where they raped and abused white working-class children and thinking to themselves: “that’s not right, this should not be happening in Britain”.
But while much of the country think this, Keir Starmer and his hapless Labour MPs clearly do not. Once again, they are on the wrong side of the British public.
Once again, they are playing politics by downplaying an issue the vast majority of people in this country think is critically important and want to get out into the open, under the full glare of a proper, focused inquiry so we can finally get to the truth.
Once again, they are are more interested in talking about themselves, in talking about Jess Phillips, or talking about supposed bogeymen like Elon Musk, rather than the actual issue the British people want addressing and brought out into the open.
And, once again, Keir Starmer and Labour are showing us all that rather than deal with this issue and what has made it possible —the horrific rape gangs, the failing policy of state multiculturalism, the extreme policy of mass immigration, the glaring lack of integration, and an oppressive climate of political correctness—they would rather dismiss all this discussion and debate as, and I quote, “amplifying the far right”.
Well, to hell with all that.
The Forgotten Majority in this country has made it clear how they think and feel and so we, as always, will speak up for them.
We will speak up for the millions of hardworking people in this country who are utterly frustrated and fed up with not just Keir Starmer and the Labour Party but the entire elite class in this country that has consistently failed our children and families, that has done all it can to downplay and dismiss this scandal for decades.
We will speak up for the vast majority in this country who think “if you rape our kids, break our laws and hold dual nationality then you should be thrown out of our country and if you are a British national who commits this horrific crime then you should be banged up for life, not walking around the same community where you raped children having only served a few years in prison”.
And we will speak up for all those people in this country, the decent sensible majority, who can clearly see what this rape gang scandal is all about —who can see that it’s not just about incompetent officials in local councils, police forces, and Westminster, and who can see that it’s not simply about criminality that is visible in all communities.
No, we will speak up for all those people out there who can see this for what it is —the tip of a much bigger, a much deeper, and a much more sinister iceberg.
A scandal that shows us all what happens when you import people into Western nations who hold a fundamentally different set of values, who hold a fundamentally different and primitive set of attitudes toward white, non-Muslim, Western women and girls, who subscribe to a fundamentally different set of tribal allegiances from other parts of the world, and who, at root, are steeped in anti-White racism.
That is what this scandal is really about. And I, for one, will never stop saying it.
I want the Police to investigate crimes and prosecute, no matter what race or gender is involved. I want an inquiry to investigate social workers, Police Officers, councillors, MP's and ministers who covered up these atrocities and who issued the instructions to do so.
This is why newly elected President Trump is a good thing. You don’t have to like him or agree with all his policies, but the West needs strong leaders who will stand up for their indigenous populations and take a stand on the world stage .
I find the idea that any outside body can tell this country that they cannot deport the most appalling people back to their country of origin if they have dual citizenship ludicrous , and I despise the people who have rolled over and allowed this abdication of our sovereignty .
Multiculturalism is not working , globalism isn’t working and I for one currently would like to raise the drawbridge on our island and take a time out to sort the problems within .
We are failing the most vulnerable in our society, our children in allowing them to be raped and murdered.
We need a societal and cultural change , and this time it has to be from the bottom up, not the top down . What the ordinary folk of this country want and must demand .
I will stand with Matt . We cannot be silenced